I have a million ideas for blog posts.
The thing is, I never wanted to write a blog "for the sake" of having a blog.
I want to write when I feel like it or not at all.
I want to do it when I have something to share, like a funny annecdote, or neurodivergent tidbits, or simply to encourage commiseration with others.
I often feel like I need to have something "good" (whatever that means) or worthwhile before I can hit publish.
Sometimes I have mega-weird ideas that might be better left inside my head. I think online blogs can be both wonderful and useless...they can be creative and unique or a dime a dozen, and most of the stuff out there doesn't necessarily bring me (or you) value - and that's ok. Not everything is meant for us. We aren't the intended audience for everything and what I write won't be useful to most people. People should find what they need, pay attention to what is relevant for them, and drop the rest.
That being said, I don't want to stay in a negative mindset of "why would anyone read this? - I don't think I'm adding much value...- is this self-serving??"
I truly don't think anyone will ever read these but me. But you know what? Who cares if I don't always bring "value" when I, myself, am valuable? I matter, my thoughts matter, and I have agency whether someone else witnesses it or not. Who can quantify all that anyway? And if writing my little weird posts helps me in some way isn't that valuable in and of itself? Plus what IF some part of my obscure little-known blog helps even one person with something just once, or makes someone feel less lonely or more understood? That alone is a good reason to forgo all the aforementioned stuff.
There are no forthcoming Pulitzers, to be sure. And thank gawd for that... I have zero interest in having that kind of pressure to deal with 😆
I like the idea of having a log to look back on and see progress I've made or things I've gone through, and sometimes it's just nice to get things out of your brain, you know?
Snacks & Snark,
Relatable Red